Sunday 13 September 2015


Episode 15: Don’t wanna wake up from this dream!

Val got home very late the night he hung out with Kim. He dropped her off at home and hooked up with Jyhbo who wanted to see him urgently that night. Sandra had been crying to his friends. He had told Jhybo in clear terms that he was done with Sandra. He wouldn’t tolerate her excesses anymore. “If you want to see her often, you can actually take over.

As for me, I’ve had enough of her wanting to take over and rule my life,” he had told his bossom friend. “Is it that bad?” Jyhbo had asked and he nodded. “Does it have to do with ‘accident girl?” Jyhbo asked and Val glared at him.

They stare at each other for a few seconds. He meant Kim. That’s what his friends call her. Val didn’t take kindly to it each time they referred to Kim as ‘accident girl’.

They still do though. For Jyhbo to call her that, right to his face, meant he was fishing for trouble. He was, his next words said so. “Look Sam…I mean…Val, since you had that accident, everything has changed. Your name, your relationship with Sandra….in fact your life has changed,” he said.

Val took a deep breath and said, “Not exactly Jibola. My name didn’t change. You’ve always called me Val anytime my old man is around. I thought I could put up with Sandra’s excesses but I just realised that getting married to her would lead to an early grave. I want to be happy in marriage.

Dad’s experience is what I don’t want to go through. He married to please his parents and was never happy till their last day together. He took to drinking and you know what it cost him, health-wise. I don’t want to please anybody, even my wife. I want a woman that will be happy with me, whatever my shortcomings. I want a woman that I will love so much that I’ll be blind to her shortcomings.

Each day, I keep noticing things I can’t stand in her and each day, she keeps wanting to change me into who I’m not. It can’t work. As for Kim, I don’t exactly know what is happening to me. She’s like a missing part of me. I feel my life will be complete with her. Jibola, I love Kim… but it’s a special kind of love. I want to protect her, be there for her…I just don’t understand what’s happening to me now.”

He trailed off and for minutes, they sat, lost in their individual thoughts.

Jyhbo understood. When a man gets to this stage, then something must give. Knowing his friend, Dr. Sam…er…Val had made up his mind. He smiled. Everything about his friend had changed. Everybody had joined his father in calling him Val outside their home. Seems only Sandra now calls him Dr. Sam. How life changes

! He ordered for drinks. They shared a bottle of red wine…then another. Val knew he shouldn’t have taken more drinks but in his confused state of mind, he had done a little more than he could handle. When he left Jyhbo about two hours later, he had planned to drive home and hug his pillow. It was not to be though. His father was still up and sitting in his favourite ottoman in the living room. “Good evening dad,” he said, surprised. “Fine night son. You haven’t kept as late as this in a long while.

What’s the business?” His father asked casually. “Dad, you shouldn’t be up so late. You need to rest more,” he said and flopped into a chair. “Val, my son, if you’ve slept the number of hours I’ve done in my life, I’m sure you will be sleeping less by now.

Now, tell me, where went you? Can’t remember the last time you kept this late,” his father said, adding, “You can join me,” as he raised a glass of wine. “Thanks dad, but no. I’ve had more than enough for a day. I actually took Kim out. We shared a bottle of wine and I shared another with Jyhbo,” he said.

“You went out with Kim?” His father was alarmed. “Nothing happened, father. At least, you trust your son and heir to your throne. I can’t stab a brother in the back. I mean Sam. You know he’s not back from the village. I took Kim out to keep her company. Dad, that young lady has passed through a lot in her life. She opened up to me,” Val said. His father had relaxed a bit when he assured him that nothing happened between them.

“What exactly do you mean? What has she passed through? Tell me son, don’t keep an old man waiting,” dad said, anxiously. “Hahahahahaha dad, the expression is, don’t keep a lady waiting,” Val said.

“Whatever, tell me about her past,” his dad said, leaning forward. Val intended to gloss over it but buoyed by the fizz and wine in his system, he regaled his father of his conversation with Kim. By the time he was done, the look on his father’s face was indescribable. “Oh no, she has gone through a lot,” he said softly.

“Yes dad, we must do something for her,” Val said. “Think of something and let me know,” his father said.


It’s been exactly one month since Kim’s private outing with Val. A lot has happened since then. Sam has just resumed in one of Val’s father’s numerous companies as a manager. He has a Sports Utility Vehicle as an official car and is planning to move into a mansion- like official house.

It’s like a dream. The transformation from a struggling young man to a ‘big boy’ is so sudden. His salary now is four times what he was earning, with prospects of travelling abroad often. In fact, he’s going for a course in the UK in a fortnight.

“Babe, I’m going to do you proud. You’ve brought so much good luck my way. I’m going to be the best man any woman will wish for. You wait and see,” Sam said.

They are in Sam’s house…on the bed. He’s admiring her now obvious bump after a cool intimate session.

Life has been good to them. She’s almost living with him permanently.

They had gone to her village to meet her grandma and her aunties, two weeks ago and grandma was ecstatic.

She sang and danced round the compound, thanking God for making Kim a responsible lady after all. Grandma had been scared she would end up like her mother or even worse.

Her family welcomed Sam’s family. Nobody quarreled over her pregnancy. They were joyous. “Welcome my children. You are most welcome.

You will conclude with Kim’s uncles,” grandma had told Sam’s people when they were about to leave. It was a grand occasion. Val’s father had provided everything Sam needed for the introduction ceremony. He said he would stand in as his father. He’s just God sent to their family. “My visa should be ready at the end of this week. You know what?

Chief said he’s giving me money to shop for you,” Sam said, jolting her from her reverie. He traces lines on her tummy, making her squirm.

“What? Val’s dad said what? Give you money to shop for me? Wow! God bless that man for me. God bless Val for me and that cabbie too.

If he didn’t crash into Val’s vehicle, this good fortune wouldn’t have come our way. I have seen him twice…I mean the cabbie. I’m inviting him to our wedding,” Kim said.

At that very moment, Sam’s phone rings, Val’s father. They talked for a while. Sam said very little. He listened more like… “Yes….yes…yes sir. I will…sir…”

Those were what Kim heard. “Chief wants to see you in his house tomorrow morning,” Sam told Kim after his phone conversation with Val’s father.

“See me? For what?” She asked. “He didn’t say,” Sam replied, adding, “I guess we just have to wait.” “Wait? Will I be able to sleep this night? How did he sound?

Upset? I don’t know what to make of this sudden invitation,” she said.


What does Val’s dad want to see Kim for? Is anything wrong?

I can’t wait to read what happens next. Why not join me here on Sunday so we find out together?

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About Adeboye -

I am a trained journalist, reporter, social media expert, and blogger in Nigeria

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