Monday, 7 September 2015


Two minutes with God: September 7, 2015 Monday daily devotionals - Rest in His peace

Topic: Rest in His peace

Bible Reading: John 14:27-31

Memorize: I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. John 14:27

IT’S NIGHTTIME, only a few hours after Jesus was crucified and buried. The disciples are sitting around together, still in shock from the brutal execution of their beloved Master. The following conversation isn’t in the Bible, but something like it might have happened.

“I can’t believe we were just eating dinner with the Master,” Bartholomew says, shaking his head. “It seems like only yesterday.”

“That’s because it was yesterday, Bart,” Peter snorts impatiently.

“Oh yeah, I knew that,” Bartholomew snaps.

Thaddaeus scratches his head. “The Master told us so many things last night during dinner. I wish I had listened better.”

“Me too,” Andrew agrees. “Maybe we can piece together what he said. What do you guys remember from last night around the table?”

Thomas looks up. “What did the Master mean when he said he was going to send some kind of ‘Holy Spirit’? I don’t get it.”

Philip speaks next. “He said this Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth. I’d sure like to know the truth about everything that has happened lately.”

“The thing I remember most,” Matthew puts in, “is the Master saying this Holy

Spirit is his Spirit, and that he’s going to be in us. Is that freaky, or what?”

James says, “And the Master said that his Spirit in us-this Spirit of truth-is go­ing to teach us everything and remind us of what he said.”

“Hey, guys, what if it’s all true?” Simon wonders aloud. “What if the Master is really going to be inside us to show us what is true, teach us about the Father, and re­mind us of all the things he said to us? What could that mean to us?”

For several moments, the men don’t breathe. Then one of them says what they are all thinking: “Wow. We would have his peace.”

Peter brightens up. “Hey, the Master talked about peace last night too.”

“Right, he said he’s leaving his peace with us,” John remembers, “just like he is sending his Spirit to us.”

“He said his peace was a gift,” James interrupts, “just like the Spirit he is giving.”

“Maybe they’re connected,” Bartholomew tries. “Maybe the Master’s peace comes with the Master’s Spirit.”

“Bart,” Peter says with a smile, “maybe you do have a brain.”


God, give me the spirit of peace'
Let me have peace in every area of my life.
God, give me peace over my problems.

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About Adeboye -

I am a trained journalist, reporter, social media expert, and blogger in Nigeria

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