According to Vanguard,Stella Damasus Since the incident made news a couple of years ago, Stella has kept her peace, refusing to comment on the issue until recently...She said
“Let’s assume you are a man, and according to their story, he is happily married inside his home with his family complete, and I walk into that home to forcefully take a man, able-bodied man, and a kid, away from somebody’s hand and you are there looking at me. “So, logically, if people actually sit down and think about it intelligently, how do you snatch somebody from somebody and the person is there looking at you?
“So when you see a man who has settled ties with a woman and decides to move on with his life and you feel that there is something in this man that you like and he likes you, is there a problem there? “I am not a kid. I am 38 years old. I am not about to start hiding myself’ she said.