Thursday, 7 July 2016


Friend Who Found Bobbi Kristina In Bath Tub Says She And Nick Fought Over Stripper That Night

The friend who found Bobbi Kristina Brown unconscious in a bath tub has spoken out about that tragic night.

Max Lomas, who dated Bobbi Kristina when they were teenagers and remained friends with her and her partner Nick Gordon, told People

magazine Bobbi Kristina and Nick had had a big fight earlier in the evening, when she accused him of cheating with a stripper.

"Things were shaky. They were just trying to stay out of each other's way," says Lomas, who admits to using drugs that night.
Lomas says he was at a club with Gordon and another friend when Brown called and accused Gordon of being at a strip club and cheating on her with strippers.

After leaving the club "in a hurry," Lomas says: "They were arguing the whole way home. We get home and she is just sitting there on the ground all delusional... just in her own little world."

The situation became even more heated, Lomas says, when he and Gordon viewed security footage of their home and noticed cigarette butts from a brand Brown did not smoke and two empty bottles of wine inside the house.

After an intense argument between the couple, Lomas claims Gordon and Brown made up and then headed upstairs. That is where Lomas later found Brown face-down and floating in a tub of cold water in the bathroom.

"I saw her there, and I picked her up out of the water and laid her on the ground," "I saw the color of her face and that she wasn't breathing. I called for Nick and called 911."According to Lomas, Gordon administered CPR, and Brown regurgitated water twice.
Gordon and his lawyers have vehemently denied the accusations and, in a statement to PEOPLE, questions Lomas, describing him as "a drug addict."

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About Adeboye -

I am a trained journalist, reporter, social media expert, and blogger in Nigeria

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