Friday 11 September 2015


Chris should be on Royalty’s birth certificate

Today, a judge in Houston is supposed to rule on whether Chris Brown can legally become Royalty’s daddy. You should fight to have him put on her birth certificate.

Nia Guzman and Chris Brown: you both love your adorable daughter Royalty, 16 months, to bits, but now you both need to do what’s right for her. Nia, a DNA test has already proven that Chris is Royalty’s biological father and unlike too many men, he has not run away from that responsibility. Instead, Chris has enthusiastically embraced fatherhood and has more than welcomed Royalty into his life. He could have been a jerk and rejected her. But instead he has done the right thing and has spent time with her, showered her with love and gifts including a collection of miniature cars just like Daddy’s, and recently announced that his new album will be named Royalty.
“That baby is his world,” an insider close to the singer, 26, told DGossip247. “He’s proud of Royalty and holds her in the highest regard, even more than his career!” Nia ,32, you and Royalty are so fortunate that Chris is not fighting to be absolved of any responsibility towards his daughter. But right now, Chris isn’t on Royalty’s birth certificate and therefore he has no legal requirement to contribute in any way to her support. Nia, 36, he could be leaving you and Royalty high and dry.

But Chris has never wanted to do that. Now, you two may not agree on what the right amount of monthly money is to take care of Royalty, and that’s unfortunate. BUT if you both agree today in front of the judge that Chris should be on Royalty’s birth certificate, then you’ve taken a positive first step. Nia, it’s in everyone’s best interests for Chris to legally be your baby girl’s dad. Once he is, then you and Chris can each make your case for Royalty’s needs in front of an impartial judge.

You want to be able to take the best care possible of your precious Royalty. You want her to have every advantage in life, including the ability to go to terrific schools, summer camps and college. But you also want to make sure she grows up safely, is protected from overzealous Chris Brown fans and that she lives in a comfortable home. Nia, you maya also want to be able to afford childcare help when you need it.

Chris, no doubt, wants the same things for his daughter, but he also wants to have guaranteed times when he can see her. He wants regular visitation so he can be a deeply involved dad. He also, according to our sources, thinks you’ve asked for too much child support money. “Nia simply wants Chris to do everything a responsible father would do; and that’s to provide protection and safety for his child,” Nia’s attorney, Carl Anthony Moore, told DGossip247. “She’s asking the court to award her the proper child support and she wants significantly more than what Chris is currently paying…Nia is very concerned for Royalty’s safety as well as her own.”

Nia, these are totally valid concerns. But you can only get a judge to help you out if you agree that Chris should be on that birth certificate. We hear, Nia, that you and Royalty plan to be in court. You should urge the judge to name Chris as your baby’s dad and then the stage is set for a legal custody and support agreement to be made. Wouldn’t that be the best idea?

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About Adeboye -

I am a trained journalist, reporter, social media expert, and blogger in Nigeria

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